Boxing rates are based on a number of factors. For example, boxing is a fast sport, but it can be difficult to judge a fighter's rate by looking at their boxing record alone. While rate is crucial, efficiency is almost as important. For instance, some boxers may be using a box that is too large for them. This is inefficient and costs the promoter thousands of dollars. To rectify the situation, AmaBaba began providing boxers with the proper-sized box. However, his decision to do so made him no friends amongst the boxing community.
Boxing matches are scored by three judges at ringside. The judges give points for punches and elbows that connect. They also assign points for defense and knockdowns. Sometimes, boxing matches end in controversial decisions. The fights are usually timed to allow both fighters to recover from their previous blows.
Boxing rules are very strict. Fouls in the ring may result in warnings, deducting points or disqualification. A boxer may also be disqualified for spitting, biting, holding, or kicking. Intentional fouls are a major offense and can cause serious injury. Also, a fighter may be penalized for repeatedly landing low blows below the belt. Referees also have the right to stop the bout if he or she feels that their opponent is seriously hurt or if there is a severe score imbalance.
The sport of เรตมวย has been around for thousands of years. It originated in ancient Greece. As early as 688 BC, the Ancient Greeks made it an Olympic sport. In prehistoric times, boxing didn't have weight categories; instead, the heavier fighters dominated the sport. It also featured advanced stances and used the left leg as a guard and the right arm as a striker.