Garage door replacement prices depend on the make, location and workmanship of the garage door you currently have. Garage doors can vary greatly in price from a few hundred dollars to well over one thousand dollars. Labor rates are low, with the average hourly rate ranging from $75 to $ 150 per hour.
Prices also depend on when you want the door replaced or repaired. Your garage door installation price may also vary depending on if it is a new door or one that has been worn out due to extensive use. A garage door replacement is often required when the existing door is deemed to be unsafe for household use. Other factors that will affect your repair or replacement price include the material the garage door is made of, the style and color and how well it is maintained. If you want to keep your existing garage door installation price down you should keep the door clean and unclogged at all times and avoid heavy traffic. Your curb appeal will also be a major factor, and you may not get the best deal on your garage door replacement if it has an outdated look.
Before repairing or replacing your residential garage door, you must first know what repairs or replacements are needed. If you have just purchased a new door, then you must research the make and model to determine what repairs or replacements are required. In some cases you may be able to use a local contractor to perform the repairs or replacements for you. An experienced professional Garage Door Replacement company can provide a list of materials they usually use, along with their prices.
There are three main garage doors brands available on the market today. Two of these popular door brands are Maytag and Hunter Douglas. These two companies have websites with comprehensive product information and frequently asked questions sections that will help you decide which garage doors are right for you. Each of the three major door brands have design crews that are available to answer questions from homeowners, potential customers, and repairmen who need advice.
Some of the more common repairs or replacement tasks that may be required when you are doing a garage door replacement are replacing the remote control opener, adding a new lock, or installing a new control panel. Replacing the remote control opener involves removing the old opener and attaching the new one. Garage door openers are sold with remotes, but it is also possible to buy separate openers. The size and type of opener will be determined by the exact model of garage doors you own. If you decide to add a new lock or replace the existing deadbolt, then this will require an additional visit to your local home improvement center.
Installing a new door opener is usually simple and takes about an hour to complete. The old door must first be removed and any hardware needed such as springs and ropes can then be replaced. The garage door repairman will install the new door on your own. This process may be easier if the garage is brand new as the process will not need to be repeated. Many times the process can be completed in one day, and homeowners can be back in their garage before lunch time.